Microplastics contamination in the gastropod, Telescopium telescopium, from the mangrove area of Versova Creek, Mumbai, India
Microplastics in the gastropod
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Microplastic (MP) content in the gastropod, Telescopium telescopium, collected from the mangrove forest of Versova Creek, Mumbai was investigated. In total, 60 specimens were collected and pooled into six groups of 10 animals, each according to their weight and size. The concentration of extracted MP was expressed as the number of MP particles g-1 soft tissue (wet weight) and Ind.-1 (individual). MP was detected in all six groups and ranged from ~1 to 4 MP/g soft tissue and ~4 to 23 MP/individual. The minimum number of MP both in soft tissue and in each individual were 1.12 MP/g and 3.6 MP/Ind, respectively, and were found to be present in the lowest wet weight group (3.21±0.33 g). The size of the longest dimension of MP varied from 21-435 µm, most of which were smaller than 100 µm. The majority of the MP found in each weight group were colorless and transparent fragments were the most prevalent shape (55.20%). FTIR analysis showed polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyurethane were the major polymer types. The study reports the microplastic content in a gastropod, Telescopium inhabiting the mangroves of Mumbai, India. As an algal feeder/detritivore, the presence of MP in its soft tissue suggests molluscans are prone to consuming MP, relative to the environmental availability. They had a higher proportion of MP than body weight, indicating the potential transfer of MP into higher trophic levels of the mangrove ecosystem. Irregular fragment MP dominance indicates Telescopium graze on weathered plastic items covered by fouling algae and contributes to MP formation.
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