Descriptive osteology of the vertebral column of Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis Forsskål, 1775) harvested from Aceh Province, Indonesia
We report a detailed description of the vertebral column of the giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis, Forsskål 1775). A total of 10 giant trevally were obtained from the Jangka seawaters, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The giant trevally vertebral columns were processed physically and chemically. The vertebral column was disarticulated and observed individually. Morphometric parameters were measured, including the length, width, and height of the centrum, the length of the rib, the length of the neural spine, and the length of the haemal spine. The results showed that the vertebral column of the giant trevally consisted of three regions, namely the abdominal vertebrae, the caudal vertebrae, and the urostyle. The abdominal region comprises 10 centra, 7 pairs of costae, 10 neural spines, and 4 haemonephropophysis. The caudal region comprises 13 centra, 13 neural spines, 13 haemal spines, and 1 haemonephropophysis. The urostyle region is composed of 2 hypurals, 1 parhypural, 1 uroneural, and 1 epural. Morphometrically, the length and height value of the centrum of the giant trevally were greater than the width. The 4th costae, 14th neural spines, and 11th haemal spines were also observed to be the longest compared to others in their respective series.
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