Effect of temperature and pH on primary metabolic and biomass productivity culture in Euglena sp.
Euglena is a microalga with the potential to be used as a renewable energy source. The biofuel-making potential is present in Euglena species biomass's proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Therefore, optimizing microalgal growth under various physiological conditions is crucial to obtaining more biomass. In this study, Euglena sp. was cultivated on medium Cramer-Myers (CM) and subjected to various temperatures and acidities. Euglena sp. cultures were optimized at different pH levels, including 2.5, 3.5, and 5.5, and at 29 and 32°C. Then, treatments were evaluated on the culture's pace of cell development, total biomass, and amount of carbohydrates, protein, and lipids. Based on the results, Euglena sp. at pH 5.5 and 29°C had the optimal growth rate, biomass, carbohydrate, protein, and fat content compared to the other treatments. In a pH 5.5 at 29°C, the average biomass was 0.382±0.173 g/L, and the resulting concentrations of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids of 0.288±0.12, 0.201±0.052, and 0.182±0.083 g/L, respectively.
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