Bioaccumulation of hydrocarbon compounds in the muscle of three aquatic birds in Um Alnaaj Marsh, Iraq
The current study was conducted to determine the concentrations and origins of total petroleum hydrocarbon TPHs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs in three bird species of Anas platyrhynchos, A. crecca and A. acuta collected from November 2020 to April 2021 in Um Alnaaj Marsh, Iraq. Based on the results, the TPHs (g/g.dry weight) in muscle tissues were 13.79 and 16.74 in A. platyrhynchos, 40.84 and 43.0 in A. crecca, and 10.08 and 11.18 in A. acuta during winter and autumn, respectively. The PAHs (ng/g.dw) in muscle tissues were 41.22 and 146.86 in A. platyrhynchos and 31.17 and 42.98 in A. crecca during winter and autumn, respectively, whereas it was 24.41 to 75.51 in A. acuta during autumn and winter, respectively. The lower molecular weight PAHs was less than higher molecular weight PAHs in all bird species throughout the period study. The origins of PAHs in muscles tissues of the studied bird species were estimated according to the ratio of LPAHs/HPAHs, Fluo/Pyr, Phe/Ant, Inpy/(Inpy+BghiP), Ant/(Ant+Phe), and BaA/(BaA+chr) and based on the findings, they were mostly pyrogenic and few petrogenic. The results also showed that the bird species have the ability to accumulate these compounds in their muscles according to values of BCF which is between 2.29 and 5.81 in A. crecca and A. platyrhynchos, respectively. These bird species were contaminated with petroleum compounds and the consumption of their meat may pose public health hazards.
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