Assessment of heavy metals on some tissues of Marbled Teal, Marmaronetta Angustirostris in Al-Dalmaj Marsh, Iraq
The study was conducted in the Al-Dalmaj marsh which is one of the most important ecosystems in Iraq and the Middle East and represents one of the most important environments for the reproduction of Marbled Teal. The study evaluated the accumulation of heavy elements of Nickel, Cadmium, and Lead in the liver and small intestine tissues of MT during the summer and winter. The results showed that the concentration of heavy metals in the MT organs is consequent as small intestine > Liver. The average concentration of Ni was the highest as 6.6973 ppm in the small intestine, and the highest percentage was recorded at 4.3272 ppm in the liver during the summer. The highest cumulative rate of the element during both seasons was 5.95±0.54 in the intestine, and 1.1681 ppm was the highest rate of Cd in the liver during summer, and 0.9308 ppm was the highest concentration in small intestine during winter. The highest cumulative rate of concentration of elements in the liver during both seasons was 0.982±0.27 ppm. The highest level of Pb was 8.0715 ppm in summer, and 7.566 ppm in the small intestine. The highest cumulative average of the element during both seasons in the small intestine was 6.93±0.55 ppm.
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