Induced breeding, embryonic and larval development of Macrognathus pancalus (Hamilton, 1822) under captive condition
The present study was carried out to enumerate induced breeding technique and larval development of Macrognathus pancalus (Hamilton, 1822) reared under captivity. Five different doses of Ovasis hormone (T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5) with 3 replicas each were administered to the matured brooders to standardize the breeding performance of the target species. The results indicated variation in fertilization rate, latency period, egg output and hatching rate in response to different treatments. Spawning was occurred between 20-24 hrs of injection in all the experiments at 26.33±0.88°C water temperature. Among all the experimental trials, the highest fertilization rate was observed in T3 (96.15±0.60) of E2 and the highest hatching rate was observed in T3 (92.49±1.00) of E2. The present work elucidated the viability of seed production of M. pancalus reared under confined condition which will useful for aquaculture and conservation.
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