Feeding habits of Bigeye Houndshark, Iago omanensis (Elasmobranchii; Triakidae); a typical deep water shark from the Gulf of Oman
In this study, the feeding habits of Bigeye Houndshark, Iago omanensis, a typical deep water shark, were examined in the Gulf of Oman by analyzing of stomach contents. In addition, the effects of sex and seasons (spring and summer) on its feeding habits were evaluated. Bigeye Houndshark diet consists of mostly teleost fishes, and to a lower extent on crustaneans, molluscs and sea snakes. The great importance of teleost in the diet of Bigeye Houndshark may be due to the fact that teleosts are the dominant in terms of biomass and abundance in the area where Bigeye Houndshark exist, allowing them to exploit food resources available in the environment. No significant differences were found between sexes and seasons. This species occupy high trophic position within the food webs. These results present new data that will allow us to understand the role of Bigeye Houndshark in the deep water of Gulf of Oman to effect of fishing activity on its population dynamics in the future.
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