Investigating the potential infestation region of Redbelly Tilapia (Coptodon zillii, Gervais 1848) in Iraq: Impacts of climate change on distribution

Climate Change Redbelly Tilapia Freshwater Distribution


  • O.M. Abdualmajeed Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq.
  • Hasan S.A. Jawad Department of Animal Production, Collage of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Nuha Imad Suheal Distinguished Secondary School for Boys, Ministry of Education, Iraq.
  • Selda Öztürk Department of Nutrition and Diet, School of Health Sciences, Cappadocia University, 50400 Nev?ehir, Turkey.
April 25, 2024


The encroachment of invasive species poses a significant threat to native ecosystems, especially in regions vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This paper aims to examine the potential infestation region of Redbelly Tilapia (Coptodon zillii), an introduced fish species, in Iraq, should the species escape aquacultural facilities. Utilizing a Maxent model, our analysis identifies northern Iraq as the optimal habitat for C. zillii proliferation. Leveraging ecological modeling techniques and climate projections, this research emphasizes the need for proactive measures to prevent the establishment of C. zillii in these northern regions. Specifically, caution is advised against undertaking aquaculture activities in these areas to mitigate the risk of accidental escape and subsequent ecological disruption. By delineating areas of high susceptibility, this study provides actionable insights for conservation efforts and informs policy decisions aimed at preserving the integrity of native ecosystems in the face of environmental change.