Investigating the potential infestation region of Redbelly Tilapia (Coptodon zillii, Gervais 1848) in Iraq: Impacts of climate change on distribution
The infringement of invasive species poses a significant threat to native ecosystems, especially in regions vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, this paper aims to find the area that is probably infested with the introduced fish species, Redbelly Tilapia Coptodon zillii in Iraq. In case the species ever break out of the aquaculture facilities. Based on the Maxent model, this study identifies the northern Iraq as the most suitable habitat for the invasion of C. zillii. This paper goes on to advocate for proactive measures that could prevent establishment in such northern latitudes using of climate projections along with ecological modeling techniques. For example, avoiding attempts at aquaculture in this area so that the possible risk of an accidental release and further ecological disruption will result. It then maps the areas of high susceptibility. This study gives insight for conservation efforts and will therefore inform policy decisions that can be helpful in preserving native ecosystem integrity across regions of environmental change.
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