Utilization of thraustochytrid, Schizochytrium sp. as live food enrichment enhances growth performance, digestive enzyme activities, and stress tolerance of silver pompano (Trachinotus blochii) larvae
One of the primary challenges in larval fish production lies in ensuring the nutritional quality of live feed. Most marine fish hatcheries commonly rely on rotifers and Artemia as live prey for the larvae. However, these live food sources often lack essential fatty acids crucial for normal growth. An encouraging solution to this nutritional deficiency is the utilization of thraustochytrids. This group of microorganisms exhibits a remarkable capacity to accumulate substantial amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Thus, the present study explores the potential of utilizing Schizochytrium sp. as an enrichment source for Artemia and its effect on the development of Pompano (Trachinotus blochii) larvae. This study compares the larval performance of pompano-fed three different diets: Schizochytrium-enriched Artemia, Artemia enriched with commercial enrichment, and unenriched Artemia as a control group. Several key parameters were evaluated, including growth, survival rates, fatty acid levels, digestive enzyme activities, and the larvae's response to stress. The results revealed significantly higher survival rates and increased stress resistance in larvae that were fed Artemia enriched with Schizochytrium sp. and commercial enrichment compared to those fed unenriched live feed. The larvae fed with Schizochytrium-enriched Artemia exhibited the highest levels of DHA, body weight, and body length in comparison to the other treatments. Additionally, the enrichment with Schizochytrium demonstrated the capacity to enhance the digestive enzyme activities of the larvae, potentially leading to improved larval digestion and, consequently, enhanced growth, survival, and stress resilience. This study highlights the promising potential of Schizochytrium sp. as an effective enrichment source for Artemia, leading to remarkable improvements in the performance and nutritional quality of pompano larvae.
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