High-resolution microscopic visualization of mitochondrial damage under oxidative stress in zebrafish, Danio rerio
Mitochondria is the major source of ROS which is neutralized by antioxidant enzymes. However, if there is an imbalance between the prooxidants and the antioxidants, then mitochondrial oxidative stress may occur. This is one of the main reasons for mitochondrial damage and dysfunction. The present study attempts to understand whether environmental stressors like hypoxia and acidic ambiances induce oxidative stress in zebrafish, Danio rerio. The enhanced production of MDA clearly states that the zebrafish skeletal muscle and liver tissues undergo oxidative stress when subjected to environmental stressors. Further, the study also aims to explore the mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle and liver tissues by confocal microscopy visualization through IraZolve-mito staining under oxidative stressed situations. Visualization of mitochondria from skeletal muscle and liver tissue through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals that under oxidative stress, the structure of mitochondria is disorganized leading to reduced mitochondrial functioning and biogenesis. Through microscopic visualization, the study concludes that hypoxia and acidic ambiances can cause remarkable mitochondrial damage in tissues like skeletal muscle and liver.
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