Effects of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) nano-materials on the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, de Man, 1879) in laboratory conditions
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are the most widely studied class of engineered nanoparticles due to carbon’s unique hybridization properties and they are extensively used in several fields depending on their morphology, particle size, exposure time, and concentration. These nanoparticles are released into the aquatic ecosystems through domestic and industrial wastewater and induce adverse effects on the aquatic organisms. The present study evaluated the toxicity effects of CNTs nano-particles on crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) hormone release, hematology factors, and anti-oxidative enzymes’ activity of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. This research was conducted in five treatments, including 0 (control), 5, 10, 20, and 30 mg/L CNT nanoparticles in triplicate for 28 days. The experimental units consisted of a 300-l recirculating system, stocked with, 10 prawns. The results indicated that M. rosenbergii reproductive performance, anti-oxidant enzyme activities, hematology parameters and CHH hormone release, survival rate, and growth performance were strongly affected by CNT NMs toxicity. The findings showed that SOD and CAT antioxidant enzymes activities have positive responses to the CNTS NMs in the experimental treatments and these NMs showed dose-dependent effects on the enzyme's activities. Also, CHH hormone in the experimental treatments showed significantly higher than the control treatment. The results of this work illustrate that because of the settling behavior of NMs, M. rosenbergii as a freshwater benthic decapod crustacean is an appropriate biological model to study NMs toxicity and also a suitable bio-monitor for NMs contaminations in freshwater aquatic environments.
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