Distribution, body size, and eggs of ovigerous swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus Linnaeus 1758) at various habitats in Lasongko Bay, Central Buton, Indonesia
The distribution, body size, and egg diameter and volume of ovigerous blue swimming crabs, Portunus pelagicus, were examined according to habitat type and egg color in Lasongko Bay, Central Buton, Indonesia between April 2013 and March 2014. Ovigerous female crabs were sampled using gillnets and traps at seven stations. Based on the results, the ovigerous female crabs with yellow to dark gray eggs were found over a range of depths from 0.35 to 31.0 m, on sandy to muddy substrate, and in sea bottom covered by seagrass and in bare areas. The carapace widths of the ovigerous female crabs varied significantly between the types of habitat, egg color, and season. Wet weight, diameter, and volume of eggs increased by 36.35%, 25.16%, and 91.76%, respectively, with embryonic development, while the dry weight of eggs decreased by 1.86%. Ovigerous blue swimming crabs with different levels of embryonic development showed a wide habitat distribution from shallow to deeper waters.
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