Evaluation of growth performance and feed utilization of Oreochromis shiranus and Coptodon rendalli fed diets combining Moringa oleifera leaf meal and Cajanus cajan meal
This study evaluated the growth performance and feed utilization of Oreochromis shiranus and Coptodon rendalli fed on diets combining Moringa oleifera leaf and Cajanus cajan. A factorial experiment (4×2) in a Completely Randomized Design with three replicates was used. Oreochromis shiranus and C. rendalli (22.20±2.03 g) were randomly selected, assigned to 24 experimental units and reared for 90 days. The fish were fed 32% protein diets formulated as follows: Diet 1- Control (0 g/kg M. oleifera leaf and 0 g/kg C. cajan), Diet 2 (100 g/kg M. oleifera leaf + 150 g/kg C. cajan), Diet 3 - (200 g/kg M. oleifera leaf + 300 g/kg C. cajan), and Diet 4 (300 g/kg M. oleifera leaf + 450 g/kg C. cajan). The results revealed that there were significant differences in final body weight, body weight gain, and specific growth rate among dietary treatments for both species (P<0.05). Coptodon rendalli performed better in final body weight, weight gain, and specific growth (60.94±0.54 g, 39.47±0.53 g and 1.13±0.02 %/d, respectively) than O. shiranus when fed Diet 2. However, no significant difference was recorded in condition factor (CF) among the dietary treatments for both species (P>0.05). Coptodon rendalli obtained the best apparent feed conversion ratio (2.75±0.06) and protein efficiency ratio (0.73±0.02) than O shiranus, when fed Diet 2. It is therefore concluded that Diet 2 (100g/kg M. oleifera leaf + 150g/kg C. cajan) recorded the best growth performance and feed utilization for both species and can replace soybean meal as a fish feed ingredient.
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