Lecane (Rotifera: Lecanidae) community in psammon habitat in Central Coast Vietnam: Diversity and relation to environmental condition
Characteristics of the Lecane (Rotifera) community in psammon in Central Coast Vietnam were investigated. A total of 50 taxa were identified in samples collected at hygropsammon zones of temporary pools, contributing 4 new species to rotifers' record of Vietnam. Psammonxenic species accounted for the largest percentage of Lecane community with 82%, followed by psammophiles (12%) and psammonbionts (6%). Influences of some environmental factors on the distribution of psammic lecanids were also observed. This group of organisms showed a slight tendency towards sand with grain sizes larger than 125 µm. Besides, other abiotic factors including pH, total phosphorus (TP) and total dissolved solids (TDS) were also found to significantly related to the distribution of some common Lecane species.
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